Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. When women are employed, they tend to work in low-quality jobs in vulnerable conditions, and there is little improvement
Who are the women held on remand or imprisoned following conviction? What offences have they been charged with or convicted of? What triggered their confrontation with the criminal justice system
This UNICEF report presents the findings of a quantitative and qualitative examination of early marriage practices in Jordan. The report includes a stastical analysis of the period between 25 and 212
Jobs are crucial for individual well-being. They provide a livelihood and,equally important,a sense of dignity. They are also crucial for collective well-being and economic growth. However,the rules
The Arab World faces extraordinary challenges. In a region with the world's highest youth unemployment rate,millions are frustrated by their job prospects – a frustration born of education that often
After fleeing violence and persecution in Iraq,hundreds of thousands of Iraqis living in Jordan face a daily threat of arrest,fines and deportation because the Jordanian government treats them as
يتضمن هذا التقرير النتائج الرئيسية للجولات الأربع للمسح التي تم تنفيذها خلال أشهر شباط,أيار,آب,وتشرين الثاني عام 27,بعد أن تم دمج البيانات مع بعضها البعض بتعطي مؤشرات سنوية على مستوى عام 27. حيث غطت
تقرير تحليلي للنتائج الرئيسية لمسح الإعاقة في الأردن,الذي نفذته الدائرة خلال شهر تشرين الثاني 21 بدعم من المجلس الأعلى لشؤون الأشخاص المعوقين. وغطى المسح عينة من الأسر بلغ حجمها حوالي (13) ألف أسرة