Gender equality must be at the center of responses to COVID-19,as a life saving measure.
This policy paper was produced within the project "Towards Inclusive Participation of Vulnerable Women and People with Disabilities in Social and Economic Life" and implemented by the West Asia and
The National Council for Family Affairs issues this report on the situation of the Jordanian family in order to complete the study of the priorities of the Jordanian family issues and to monitor their
Gender parity is fundamental to whether and how economies and societies thrive. Ensuring the full development and appropriate deployment of half of the world’s total talent pool has a vast bearing on
This infographic addresses the disability assessment among Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. It shows that persons with disabilities are more likely to never enroll and cannot read or write. It
Attainment of core principles of equality between the sexes in the Arab world is currently impeded by many factors. These factors are: discrimination and marginalisation, turmoil in the region
This infographic displays recent data detailing the rate of labor force participation rates in Jordan. Most notable is the markedly lower labor force participation rates of females in Jordan's economy
Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. When women are employed, they tend to work in low-quality jobs in vulnerable conditions, and there is little improvement