في هذه الورقة ، نقوم بتحليل هيكل التوظيف وخلق الوظائف في الأردن خلال الفترة من 21 إلى 216. تزامنت هذه الفترة مع تباطؤ ملحوظ في الاقتصاد ، مما أدى إلى انخفاض كبير في معدل خلق الوظائف. ومع ذلك ، استمر
إن هذه المعلومات المصورة نشرها Worldfolio، وتوفر إحصاءات عن أكبر قطاع في مصر ووكما تسلط الضوء على التوسع في هذه القطاعات. هذه الأرقام تظهر خاصية اقتصاد متنوع على نحو متزايد والاهتمام في الاستثمار
يتناول هذا المشروع الفرص والمخاطر العالمية التي أنشأها الانتقال من التقليدية إلى وسائل الإعلام الرقمية، ويكشف تأثير هذه التغييرات في الأردن في خضم حملة على حرية وسائل الإعلام بعد الانتفاضات في عام 211
The report presents the findings of a desktop survey conducted to review gender studies in Jordan with an overall goal of the survey as to ensure that gender is adequately addressed throughout project research;; analysis and activities of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP). Under the PAP mandate to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods;; the report is based on a gender desktop review of existing research on gender and natural resource management in Jordan. It capitalizes on the growing body of research on gender across sectors in Jordan including natural resource management;; to apply and adapt the findings to the PAP project activities. The report concludes with recommendations for the PAP projects such as donor collaboration;; improvement of women’s knowledge of water and energy saving methods;; engagement and creation of women’s participation to promote and support opportunities for small;; women-owned business promoting water and energy saving technologies and promotion of alternative technologies.
The report aims to better understand and quantify the attitude and the levels of awareness amongst large consumers of water and energy;; and it presents the findings of the interviews conducted with a representative sample of large consumers to better understand trends and behaviors related to water and energy consumption. The research was conducted as part of the Jordan Public Action in Water;; Energy;; and Environment Project (PAP) under the Prosperity;; Livelihoods;; and Conserving Ecosystems (PLACE);; which aims to initiate and establish clear and identifiable behavioral changes amongst the Jordanian public and decision-makers. The study categorizes large consumers into a number of main sectors including hotel and restaurant sectors;; commercial sector;; hospitals;; government buildings and industrial sector;; and the field surveys were collected as a random sample of different industries;; state and commercial buildings. The research finds that the majority of large consumers neither monitor their water nor their energy consumptions via sub-metering scheme;; showing that the majority of large consumers are not able to accurately determine the areas within their establishments that are the most consuming. This finding identifies four major obstacles in implementing the water and energy saving practices including;; lack of awareness;; lack of incentive programs amongst employees;; higher prices for higher quality savings devices and lack of proper maintenance.
The report aims to determine public attitudes towards water and energy utilities and assess public perception of Disi water;; scheduled to begin serving Amman residents in 2012. It is based on an omnibus survey;; structured;; quantitative and in-person interviews with 1000 respondents representing adult males and females across the twelve governorates of Jordan. This research is part of the was conducted as part of the Public Action in Water;; Energy;; and Environmental Project to initiate and establish clear and identifiable behavioral changes amongst the Jordanian public and decision-makers;; to lead to increased efficiency in the use of water and energy;; and to improve solid waste handling practices. The findings of the survey show that while a majority of respondents could correctly identify their water provider;; nearly a quarter could not and more than half of the respondents believe they are paying water rates that are unreasonable for the quality of water service they receive. The report confirm that the customer experience with both water and electrical utility companies can be improved and increasing awareness of the sound quality of the Disi water would support the public perceptions to continue to shift in a positive direction.
The final report is a product of the USAID/ Jordan's 55-month Operations and Maintenance Training (OMT) Program that enhances workers and organizational performance in water infrastructure. The report includes the OMT Program's executive summary;; key accomplishments and lessons learned and recommended actions;; and it also identifies some the contexts;; challenges;; methodology and results and impacts of improving the operator standards and performance. According to the report;; the OMT exceeded its expectations and achieved all results in regards to the number of certified operators;; managers;; trainers;; developers;; and coaches graduated;; certified programs;; courses and tests developed;; training sessions conducted;; and legal measures and institutional actions enacted. The report identifies hat the dedicated and hands-on support of OMT's primary partners was a key factor in achieving the OMT target results. The program also expects the structure of the Jordan program will be responsive to changing needs and the progressive development of training capacity within the Jordanian water sector. Following the OMT's completion;; the players in the Jordanian program will continue to build their capacities and move to the next state in their institutional arrangement.
يتضمن هذا التقرير تحليلاً موسعاً ومتكاملاً لمؤشرات الفقر بالاستناد إلى بيانات نفقات ودخل الأسرة لعام 2010 والذي بلغ حجم عينته 13866 أسرة ممثلة لكافة مناطق المملكة;; الذي نفذته دائرة الاحصاءات العامة على أربع جولات ميدانية استمرت لمدة عام وانتهت عام 2011. وجاء هذا التقرير ليتناول قياس مؤشرات الفقر باستخدام منهجية السعرات الحرارية المعتمدة من قبل البنك الدولي ومقارنتها عبر الزمن بالأسعار الثابتة. ويتضمن التقرير ثلاثة فصول: الأول يتناول منهجية قياس الفقر على مستوى المملكة والمحافظات وتحديد الأقضية الأشد فقراً;; أما الفصل الثاني فيتناول الجانب التحليلي لمسح نفقات ودخل الأسرة على مستوى الخمسينات;; وكما تناول هذا الفصل تحليل الجوانب الاجتماعية للأسرة الأردنية. فيما يتناول الفصل الثالث أثر التحويلات النقدية والتدخلات الحكومية وانعكاسة على ظاهرة الفقر والحد منها في عام 2010