تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


يهدف هذا التقرير إلى دراسة العلاقة بين الاقتصاد وجرائم الشرف في الأردن. ويتحقق هذا التقرير من طبيعة هذه الجرائم المتعلقة بمؤشرات الفقر إلى جانب تصورات المجتمع لشرف العائلة;; ودور المرأة;; والأخلاق. النتائج المستخلصة من هذه الدراسة تكشف عن أن ما يسمى جرائم الشرف يرتبط بالفقر:: مما يدل على أن الفقراء هم الأكثر عرضة لارتكاب مثل هذه الجرائم. واعتمدت الدراسة على البحث الكمي والنوعي من أجل الحصول على البيانات والمعلومات المتعلقة بجرائم قتل النساء بإسم الشرف وانحصرت عينة الدراسة على مقابلة 27 من الجناة المتواجدين في مختلف المراكز في المملكة.

The annual report summarizes and evaluates the humanitarian and developmental assistance of the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO) in 2012. The report also includes evaluation of the ongoing projects such as providing humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees in camps and host communities;; establishing foster care programme for children deprived of parental care;; and supporting advocacy work on children’s rights to education and women empowerment. The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other organizations in relevant fields. In the report;; the limited capacity and number of social workers and lack of technical support from the government in budgeting and social policy reforms are identified as major obstacles.

The 2011 annual report provides a comprehensive summary of the ongoing projects by the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO). The programmes and projects include social protection initiatives for the National Aid Fund and Zakat Fund;; national perinatal and neonatal mortality study and development of nationwide computerized violence tracking system. . The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other organizations in relevant fields including the Ministries of Interior;; Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and other UN agencies (UNDP;; UNFPA;; UNWOMEN;; UNHCR and WHO). The report specifies the organization’s methodology in collecting data and evidence and monitoring mechanisms to track and assess programme progress. In evaluating the development of ongoing projects;; the report summarizes future work plans and examines critical factors and constraints in each project.

The annual report provides an overview to the country situation in regards to children and women and summary of the humanitarian and developmental assistance of the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO) in 2010. The report includes Jordan’s progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in addition to the analysis of the organization’s projects. The projects focus on assisting Iraqi children in education and strengthening young child survival and development and adolescents’ participation and empowerment. The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other UN agencies;; local agencies and government ministries. Some highlights of the 2010 annual report include the Ma’An campaign to end violence in school;; the UNICEF’s partnership with the government in supporting Iraqi children in gaining access to public education and a joint programme to develop a tracking system to monitor family violence and abuse cases with other UN agencies and Jordan’s National Council for Family Affairs.

Defining the goal as improved prosperity;; accountability and equality for a stable;; democratic Jordan;; the strategy report highlights a long-standing partnership between Jordan and the United States. Amidst a number of challenges;; Jordan continues to play a strategic ally in the region and therefore;; the report stresses the importance of assisting Jordan in carrying out its stated commitment to broad-based political and economic reforms. The three development objectives are 1. Broad-based;; inclusive economic development accelerated;; 2. Democratic accountability strengthened;; and 3. Essential services to the public improved;; with a special development objective of gender equality and female empowerment enhanced. According to the report;; the key theme of the strategy is complementing support for Jordanian-led structural reform with grassroots activities of more visible and more directly “felt” people-level impact. The development objectives find specific areas of focus that need the USAID investments and support.

This study sheds light on opportunities available to women in the field of leadership and decision- making in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It explores the main challenges impeding women's advancement;; especially the debate over the role of the Provisional Election Law for 2010 in achieving the concepts of citizenship;; and equal opportunities for all male and female Jordanians. In order to answer the research questions;; the study analyzed historical and legal documents.

يبرز تقرير حالة سكان العالم 2013;; الصادر عن صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان;; التحديات الرئيسية المتعلقة بحمل المراهقات وآثاره الخطيرة على تعليم الفتاة;; وصحتها;; وفرصها في العمل في الأجل الطويل. ويبين التقرير أيضا ما يمكن القيام به من أجل الحد من هذا الاتجاه وحماية حقوق الإنسان الخاصة بالفتيات ورفاهتهن.

يتناول موجز السياسات هذا قضية النساء الأردنيات المتزوجات من رجال غير أردنيين واعطائهن الجنسية لعائلاتهن;; حيث يعرض المشكلة والنتائج المترتبة على كل من الزوجة والأبناء والعائلة في حال عدم الحصول على الجنسية;; وكما تناول موقف القانون الدولي من حق المرأة بمنح جنسيتها لأفراد عائلتها وذلك إلى جانب التناقض الموجود في التشريعات الأردنية;; بالاضافة إلى عرض الصعوبات الاقتصادية من جراء عدم التجنيس. وكما تناول الاسئلة الأكثر تكراراً;; وانتهى بتقديم مجموعة من التوصيات موجة لكل من مجلس الأمة والسلطة التنفيذية.

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