يركز التقرير على استكشاف قطاع الفنون والحرف في الأردن ووضع الحرفيين الأردنيين والسوريين المهجرين فيها إضافة الى ريادة التراث الثقافي في الأردن. كما ويتناول ريادة المشاريع في تنظيم قطاع التراث الثقافي
يناقش تقرير منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة (اليونسكو) السنوي لعام 213 التحول الحاسم لليونسكو، عندما تبنت المنظمة نهجاً استراتيجياً جديداً في الدورة السابعة والثلاثين للأمانة العامة يركز
The tourism sector assessment report examines critical questions related to Jordan's best opportunity areas for tourism development growth that will result in increasing tourism receipts;; private-sector investment in tourism;; and tourism-related employment. The report identifies global trends;; best practices;; and benchmarks shaping tourism demand and competitiveness. It also suggests approaches for expanding tourism in key Jordan governorates and secondary destination in ways that benefit local communities. According to the assessment;; Jordan is well-positioned to move from a regional;; multi-country tourist destination to a stand-alone destination with a portfolio of tourism products with year-round appeal for foreign and domestic visitors;; and this will require a long-term commitment from both public and private stakeholders. It suggests collaboration between Jordan's government and private sector;; localized and inclusive economic development implementation strategies and increase in the supply of skilled tourism workforce professionals.
The final report is the product of the Jordan Tourism Development Project;; which is a three-year project that operated from August 2005 to August 2008. The Project worked closely with government stakeholders;; particularly the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Department of Antiquities;; along with the private sector;; local communities and the tourism industry to help develop Jordan's tourism industry. As part of the project;; the USAID/Jordan's primary aim was to develop Jordan's key tourism institutions and improve the institutional environment to better facilitate tourism development. The project also worked to change perceptions of the industry through a nationwide campaign that entailed workshops;; training sessions and delivering key messages by distributing brochures;; flyers and posters. According to the report;; the work of the USAID/ Jordan Tourism Development Project has created strong momentum among the government and private sectors;; as well as communities;; for positive development of tourism in Jordan;; leaving much scope for further development of the country's tourism sector to bring Jordan closer to operating a full-fledged tourism industry that attracts increasing numbers of tourists and effectively meets their growing demands. The report also finds several areas that still need improvement such as the awareness of the importance of tourism to Jordan;; marketing and recruitment for tourism institutions and standards of tourism accommodation.
The USAID Jordan Tourism Development Project is the largest dedicated tourism development project implemented by the United States Agency for International Development. The final report for the project phase of 2008-2013 shares success stories of developing Jordan's tourism sector and increasing the number of visitors to the country according to the updated national strategy for the current period with new targets and implementation of actions. The report highlights the projects' achievements in supporting archaeological conservation of key sites such as Petra;; Madaba and Amman Citadel and improving the visitor experience in Jordan through an extenstive nationwide training program. The final report also includes the stories of those who benefitted from USAID's investment in tourism and the USAID tourism project's comprehensive sustainable tourism industry development approach.
The report highlights the essential role played by micro;; small and medium enterprises in the promotion of human development in the country;; and through four main pillars;; namely economic growth;; that is inclusive and pro-poor;; social progress;; participation;; empowerment throw micro finance;; and environmental sustainability. The report consists of eight chapters dealing with: the concept of human development through small and medium enterprises;; human development in Jordan;; economic growth;; social progress;; empowerment;; the role of microfinance to empower less advantaged groups;; and a chapter on sustainable development.