تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


The final report is a product of the USAID/ Jordan's 55-month Operations and Maintenance Training (OMT) Program that enhances workers and organizational performance in water infrastructure. The report includes the OMT Program's executive summary;; key accomplishments and lessons learned and recommended actions;; and it also identifies some the contexts;; challenges;; methodology and results and impacts of improving the operator standards and performance. According to the report;; the OMT exceeded its expectations and achieved all results in regards to the number of certified operators;; managers;; trainers;; developers;; and coaches graduated;; certified programs;; courses and tests developed;; training sessions conducted;; and legal measures and institutional actions enacted. The report identifies hat the dedicated and hands-on support of OMT's primary partners was a key factor in achieving the OMT target results. The program also expects the structure of the Jordan program will be responsive to changing needs and the progressive development of training capacity within the Jordanian water sector. Following the OMT's completion;; the players in the Jordanian program will continue to build their capacities and move to the next state in their institutional arrangement.

The final report is the product of the Jordan Tourism Development Project;; which is a three-year project that operated from August 2005 to August 2008. The Project worked closely with government stakeholders;; particularly the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Department of Antiquities;; along with the private sector;; local communities and the tourism industry to help develop Jordan's tourism industry. As part of the project;; the USAID/Jordan's primary aim was to develop Jordan's key tourism institutions and improve the institutional environment to better facilitate tourism development. The project also worked to change perceptions of the industry through a nationwide campaign that entailed workshops;; training sessions and delivering key messages by distributing brochures;; flyers and posters. According to the report;; the work of the USAID/ Jordan Tourism Development Project has created strong momentum among the government and private sectors;; as well as communities;; for positive development of tourism in Jordan;; leaving much scope for further development of the country's tourism sector to bring Jordan closer to operating a full-fledged tourism industry that attracts increasing numbers of tourists and effectively meets their growing demands. The report also finds several areas that still need improvement such as the awareness of the importance of tourism to Jordan;; marketing and recruitment for tourism institutions and standards of tourism accommodation.

يتمثل الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المسح في توفير بيانات شاملة وتقديرات موثوقة للمؤشرات الديموغرافية مثل الإنجاب والوفاة وتنظيم الأسرة;; وصحة وتغذية الأم والطفل بوصفها أداة لتقييم البرامج والسياسات السكانية والصحية الموجودة حالياً. تم اعتماد منهجية المسح باستخدام استمارة للأسرة واستمارة أخرى فردية;; حيث تم مقابلة 15000 أسرة وأكثر من 11000 سيدة سبق لهن الزواج وعمرهن 15-49 سنة وذلك من خلال اشهر ايلول الى كانون الأول 2012. ويقدم هذا التقرير بعض النتائج الأولية لمسح عام 2012.

جاء هذا التقرير في 68 صفحة يوثق مزاعم قابلة للتصديق بالمعاملة السيئة;; التي عادة ما ترقى إلى التعذيب;; وتقدم بهذه المزاعم 66 سجيناً من بين 110 سجناء تمت مقابلتهم عشوائياً في عامي 2007 و2008;; ومن كل السجون السبعة التي تمت زيارتها من بين سجون الأردن العشرة. ويتضح من أدلة هيومن رايتس ووتش أن خمسة مدراء سجون شاركوا شخصياً في تعذيب المحتجزين.

The second phase of the Program Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy Program (ERfKE II) continues to build on the achievements of the first phase and follow the same implementation arrangements that have proven to be successful in (ERfKE I);; and in the same time;; focuses on schools as the locus of change as well as on the need to enhance capacity building at the central and field levels. The development objective of (ERfKE II) is to provide students enrolled in pre-tertiary education institutions in Jordan with increased levels of skills to participate in knowledge economy. Also the Mid-Term review highlighted the concrete progress achieved by (ERfKE II) in several key areas related to policy development;; quality of education interventions and school construction;; and identified the key issues as a summary of the overall progress that will be tackled and addressed during the remaining stage of implementation.

This report is a baseline assessment of community-identified vulnerabilities among Syrian refugees living in Amman;; Irbid;; Madaba;; Mufraq;; and Zarqa. The purpose of this report is to identify urban Syrian refugees’ current coping mechanisms and any gaps in services available to Syrian refugees in Jordan. The research methodology is both qualitative and participatory in design;; drawing from the UNHCR tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations. This report presents only the data from household interviews;; baseline assessment;; and the follow-up focus groups conducted with community members. The number of households surveyed was 240;; with a total number of 1;;476 household members and 89 focus group participants representing 534 household members. The report proposed general recommendations and interventions to deal with the main highlighted challenges (cash assistance;; strengthening community links;; vocational training;; physical activities ...etc).

This national report on Adult Education in Jordan;; is a report presented to the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education. It presents Jordanian educational legislation;; strategies;; policies and laws as well as educational projects and programs. The main theme of this report is the right of education.

يهدف هذا التقرير الى تحليل الانجازات التي تحققت للأطفال في الأردن. ويتضمن التقرير معلومات وإحصاءات عن صحة الأطفال والتعليم والمشاركة بالإضافة إلى حماية الطفل. ويشير أيضا الى ما يجب القيام به ويبين ما هي الفجوات. وكان أبرز ما خلص إليه التقرير أن الصحة العامة والصحة الإنجابية ليست موجهة بشكل كاف لاحتياجات المراهقين;; وكما أن التوعية الصحية متدنية بين الفتيات والذكور;; اضافة الى محدودية فرص الحصول على المعلومات والتثقيف حول نمط الحياة الصحي. وأن خدمات رعاية الطفولة تتويسع ببطء مع زيادة الوعي. والاشارة الى نسبة التسرب وعمالة الاطفال;; وشعور الشباب والنساء بخيارات المشاركة المتاحة. وبين التقرير أنه لأطفال اللاجئين الفلسطينيين الحق في الوصول إلى كافة الخدمات. واعتبار أن الفقر وسوء الأحوال الصحية ونقص التعليم;; جميعها عوامل تحرم الأطفال من كرامتهم;; وتهدد حياتهم وتقضي على آمالهم. وكما يقدم التقرير توصيات بشأن ما يجب القيام به لزيادة تحسين حالة الأطفال في الأردن.

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