Eight Session of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade,Economic Globalization and Financing for Development in the Countries of the ESCWA Region
The Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade,Economic Globalization and Financing for Development of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) held its eighth meeting in Amman on 7 and 8 October 213. The Committee considered the following items on its agenda: (a) Review of action taken in the fields of economic globalization and financing for development under the ESCWA programme of work since the seventh session of the Committee; (b) financing for development: progress made in implementing the Monterrey Consensus in ESCWA member countries; (c) financial policy coordination among Arab countries: reality and future prospects; (d) role of national trade policies in the development of productive capacities in the Arab region; (e) fiscal space: strengthening the financial capacity of Arab countries; (f) financing infrastructure through public-private partnerships in Arab countries; (g) programme of work for the biennium 214-215 in the fields of liberalization of foreign trade,economic globalization and financing for development; (h) date and venue of the ninth session of the Committee; (i) other matters; (j) adoption of the recommendations made by the Committee at its eighth meeting. This report contains the main recommendations of the Committee regarding the items on its agenda and a brief summary of the main points raised during the discussions.