The Panoramic Study of the Informal Economy in Jordan
This study comes in as a second step that follows producing the diagnostic study “The Informal economy in the Jordanian Economy” which was concluded as part of the collaboration work between the Ministry of Planning,Economic and Social Council and the UNDP. The study measures the informal economy in the Jordanian economy based on the Jordan Labor Market Panel Survey 21. The study indicates that the size of the informal economy stand at 44 percent as well as it showcases the main activities that have a large concentration of informality.
This study aims to serve different goals as follows: (i) Providing a qualitative dimension to informality in Jordan,(ii) Defining the factors that drive and motivate the informal economy,(iii) Defining whom from the various segments of society are most affected by informality (iv) Focusing on the relation between informality and both youth and women,(v) Testing the links and relations between informality and SMEs operation,(vi) Showing which sectors are most effected by informality,how and why,(viii)Showcasing the regions in Jordan that demonstrate high rates of informality.