This infographic summarizes the main findings of the "Jordan's Social Security Reforms and Women's Employment in the Private Sector" study which aimed to generate an in-depth understanding of the
This compilation of papers,written by the regional experts of the 212 Rabat Conference on Advancing Women's Political Participation in Transitions,examines the status of women in decision-making
This report,published by UNICEF,examines the status of women and girls within Egyptian society. The report includes information on Egypt's legal framework as it relates to the country's female
The paper explores the rights of labor or labour workers in Jordan,focusing on those working in the informal economic sector. The labor force in the informal sector is generally not accounted for and
يتمثل الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المسح في توفير بيانات شاملة وتقديرات موثوقة للمؤشرات الديموغرافية مثل الإنجاب والوفاة وتنظيم الأسرة,وصحة وتغذية الأم والطفل بوصفها أداة لتقييم البرامج والسياسات السكانية