A group of young with care experience came together on a webinar on June 6, 2020. The webinar saw participation from over 100 care leavers from about 25 countries to explore and discuss the challenges
This document includes all the 25 stories that the Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) team colleceted and published during the curfew and COVID-19 locdown in Jordan in
Times of economic uncertainty,civil unrest,and disaster are linked to a myriad of risk factors for increased violence against women and children (VAW/C). Pandemics are no exception. In fact,the
This assessment was conducted between March 25 - 26, 2020 via phone survey with 616 households with the aim of understanding the immediate implications of COVID-19 related developments on basic needs
This brief is intended for development partners,including government and civil society actors. It provides recommendations and resources for responding to the needs of adolescent girls during the
This article talks aboout the instructions issued by the Minister of Labor for all ministries and government institutions to face the difficulty in applying flexible work and remote work to avoid the
This article addresse the instructions that the governmet provided to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID19) among workers and their families as well. The procedures that the governmet provided
This report addresses the results of the impact asssessmnet of “Empowering the Women of Tafilah through Gender Advocacy and Civic Engagement” project. which aims to enhance civic engagement by