This study analyzes the food markets of Jordan,Syria,Lebanon,Palestine,Iran,Iraq,and Yemen (ME-ODC Countries),to better understand their dynamics,particularly in light of the sudden flare in food
This study analyzes the food markets of Jordan,Syria,Lebanon,Palestine,Iran,Iraq,and Yemen (ME-ODC Countries),to better understand their dynamics,particularly in light of the sudden flare in food
During the reporting period,World Food Programme (WFP) distributed a total of 34, hot meals (an average of 52, meals per day) through its implementing partners TUA,Thaghar Al Madina,and Radi Shedifat
The purpose of this desk review is to uncover the food security and nutrition information available on the three target countries,to advise WFP on the absence of any relevant information that would
This report is the product of a meeting between The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) and the United Nations team regarding displaced Syrians in Jordan. It assesses the
his 25 Human Development Report takes stock of human development,including progress towards the MDGs. Looking beyond statistics,it highlights the human costs of missed targets and broken promises
The purpose of this desk review is to uncover the food security and nutrition information available on the three target countries,to advise WFP on the absence of any relevant information that would
لقد تم إعداد هذا التقرير الخامس حول أوضاع مراكز الإصلاح والتأهيل من اجل تقييم هذه المراكز والنزلاء واماكن التوقيف والموقوفين,وكما يكشف التقرير عن مواطن الضعف والخلل التي تعاني منها هذه المرافق. وتم
Jordan faces potential serious impacts on its natural ecosystems,on its river basins and watersheds,on biodiversity—then cascading to impacts on food productivity,water resources,human health,public