This factsheet addresses persons with disabilities who are affected and exposed to heightened risks,and left out of humanitarian assistance,as they encounter multiple environmental,institutional,and
The 219 CSO Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa reports on advances and setbacks in seven key dimensions affecting the sustainability of the CSO sectors in eight countries: Egypt
This is the first FIND (Finance in Displacement) newsletter. It brings early insights from the ongoing research with refugees in Jordan and Kenya exploring their financial and economic lives. Finance
Based on lessons learned from other epidemics,namely Ebola and Zika virus,this paper outlines gender issues related to the COVID-19 outbreak and response in Lebanon. Women and girls’ immediate and
The National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW),the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (UN Women),the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health
The conflict in Syria has created a humanitarian crisis,with more than two million people having fled to neighboring countries in the hope of escaping the violence. Thousands of Syrian refugees
The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is the largest multi-country study of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa. Coordinated by Promundo and UN Women,in collaboration with
This study was produced in the framework of the Regional Programme on Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Palestinian,Jordanian,and Lebanese Women in Vulnerable Situations,a project of Alianza por la