Since the start of the Syrian conflict in 211,it is estimated that over 35, foreign fighters have joined Sunni militant groups,such as Daesh and al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. The threat posed by such
This toolkit is designed to be a comprehensive resource meant to engage all women,men,girls,and boys in contributing to societal progress towards an inclusive environment where empowered women and
This is the fourth edition report of Equality Now’s ongoing global advocacy campaign to hold governments accountable to the pledge made at the historic UN 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing,1995)
The Jordan Country Gender Assessment (CGA) aims to report on the developments in Jordan's economy and quality of life,while focusing on the lack of increases in economic participation and the lack of
This report presents a compelling argument as to why realising the full potential of Arab women is an indispensable prerequisite for development in all Arab states. It argues persuasively that the