تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


Jordan faces potential serious impacts on its natural ecosystems;; on its river basins and watersheds;; on biodiversity—then cascading to impacts on food productivity;; water resources;; human health;; public infrastructure;; and human settlements. Climate change will have serious implications on the country’s efforts to eradicate poverty and realize sustainable development for current and future generations— ultimately making climate change an issue of intergenerational equity. Climate change scenarios indicate that Jordan and the Middle East could suffer from reduced agricultural productivity and water availability among other negative impacts. At the same time;; a substantial potential for cost-effective reduction of GHG emissions exists in Jordan. The Policy will provide an overarching (umbrella/high level) guidance for the Government of Jordan to implement the major climate change objectives of national priority related to adaptation and mitigation of GHG emissions

Jordan’s second Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 shows the extent to which progress has been made towards achieving those targets and highlights the challenges that still confront the country to achieve these goals. The report seeks to identify the policies required for meeting the MDG targets by the year 2015;; at a time when the United Nations and the World’s governments are exerting a collective effort to review the progress achieved to date and identify the obstacles standing in the way of meeting the goals and targets by 2015.

The Millenium Development Goals Report has been prepared through the active participation of the Jordanian Government and the UN Country Team. As scorekeeper of the MDGs;; UNDP supported the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in this joint endeavor. The objectives of this report are to create a baseline situation;; monitor progresses made to date;; and indicate what should be done in order to achieve the MDGs. The concluding section of fostering global cooperation gives an overview of national efforts to strengthen the basis and improve the environment for developing strong partnerships to achieve macroeconomic stability and other important national objectives.

Assessment of Health Needs and Living Conditions of Migrants in Jordan 2011-2012 is a cross sectional study conducted by International Organization for Migration IOM Jordan in collaboration with the Jordanian Ministry of Health to provide baseline information about health needs and challenges that affect different migrant groups in Jordan to assist the government and relevant parties to develop policy and strategies to manage migrant's health. According to the results of the study;; a number of recommendations were emerged which would be the guidance for the government and relevant parties in developing policy and strategies to improve and manage migrant's health.

This report explores the role of Small and Medium-Enterprises (SME);; as an agent for sustainable human development in Jordan. It analyzes SMEs and their contribution to human development using fours key central pillars of human development;; namely: economic growth that is equitable and pro-poor;; social progress;; participation and empowerment through micro finance;; and environmental sustainability. The report analyses the link between SMEs and empowerment or lack thereof;; with a specific focus on the two issues of employment;; as a tool for empowerment;; and the capacity of SMEs to enhance the position of women within the workforce and home. The report findings were based on extensive research;; a survey of 1;;500 firms and focus groups discussions conducted across the governorates of Jordan. The report proposed general recommendations in terms of institutional coordination;; exports;; cluster groups;; quality standard;; government monitoring;; tax law;; local development;; youth empowerment and the increase of minimum wage.

This annual report comes to diagnose the situation of human rights in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2010;; and to point out the positive or negative changes that have occurred during that period. The report comprises the outcome of the accumulated experiences of the Center in the field of protecting civil;; political;; economic;; social and cultural rights. It also comprises a qualitative addition represented in the devotion of an axis related to the assessment of how serious the Government is in taking appropriate legislative;; judicial and executive measures needed to implement the recommendations by the treaty committees. The main themes are: Civil and Political Rights;; Economic;; Social and Cultural Rights;; Women's Rights;; Child Rights;; Rights of Persons with Disability;; Rights of the Elderly. The report proposes legislations;; policies and measures that are believed to contribute to changing the current situation of Human Rights for the better;; especially in the light of the rapid developments taking place in the Arab region.

This study aims to demonstrate the rights of disabled people stated by the legislator. The study shows the extent to which state and civil society institutions adhere to the implementation of applicable legislations related to people with disabilities.

This report provides an overview of the status of early childhood care and education (ECCE) in Jordan;; Lebanon;; Sudan;; and Syria. It examines the contextual factors influencing ECCE;; highlighting current policies;; challenges;; and strategies for improvement and expansion. The report underscores the paucity and limitations of available data. Findings show that ECCE services have improved but regional disparity and dominance of the private sector prevail. None of the four countries but Jordan has a full-fledged national strategy and policy on ECCE. Challenges identified include lack of qualified teachers;; societal misconceptions about the unique features of early childhood;; and lack of research-based studies. Innovative projects show that NGOs have been instrumental in addressing the needs of marginalized children.

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