تتناول هذه الدراسة، التي نشرها اللجنة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لغربي آسيا (الإسكوا)، الانتفاضات العربية والسياقات السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية التي حدثت فيها. يبدأ التقرير مع فصلا بعنوان "النص
هذا التقرير، الذي نشرته اللجنة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لغربي آسيا (الإسكوا)، يستكشف البعد الجندري من الحركات الشعبية التي اجتاحت عدداً من البلدان العربية. وتبدأ من خلال التأكيد على المركزية النوع
تكملة لتقرير عن التنمية في العالم 212 :المساواة بين الجنسين والتنمية (تقرير عن التنمية في العالم 212)، يركز هذا التقرير،”فتح الأبواب: المساواة بين الجنسين والتنمية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا“،على
إن هذه الأوراق المجموعة في هذا التقرير كتبت من قبل الخبراء الإقليميين في مؤتمر الرباط عام 212 بشأن النهوض بمشاركة المرأة السياسية في المراحل الانتقالية، وتناول المؤتمر وضع المرأة في عمليات صنع القرار
The tourism sector assessment report examines critical questions related to Jordan's best opportunity areas for tourism development growth that will result in increasing tourism receipts;; private-sector investment in tourism;; and tourism-related employment. The report identifies global trends;; best practices;; and benchmarks shaping tourism demand and competitiveness. It also suggests approaches for expanding tourism in key Jordan governorates and secondary destination in ways that benefit local communities. According to the assessment;; Jordan is well-positioned to move from a regional;; multi-country tourist destination to a stand-alone destination with a portfolio of tourism products with year-round appeal for foreign and domestic visitors;; and this will require a long-term commitment from both public and private stakeholders. It suggests collaboration between Jordan's government and private sector;; localized and inclusive economic development implementation strategies and increase in the supply of skilled tourism workforce professionals.
This publication aims to summarize and assess the results of the United States Energy Association (USEA)’s Jordan Energy Partnership Project (JUPP);; funded by the USAID. The JUPP is part of the USEA/USAID Energy Utility Partnership Program (EUPP);; which assists developing countries with increasing environmentally sustainable energy production and use and improving the operational efficiency and increased financial viability of their utilities and related institutions. The JUPP focuses on improving the technical and operational efficiency of Jordan’s electric utilities and electric grid. Defining energy insecurity as one of the most significant problems in Jordan;; the report summarizes the program’s activities and assesses their results and impacts. It looks at multiple aspects including the utility participant training and female participation. The results of the publication are increasing system efficiency;; developing customer energy efficiency programs;; increasing corporate efficiency;; supporting capacity building;; reducing electricity losses and power outages;; improving transmission dispatch center operations;; enhancing worker productivity through safety and interconnecting renewable energy and distributed generation. The report concludes with key lessons learned from the projects.
This report addressed CEDAW Committee by providing a solid and up-to-date information set and analysis of positive policies and legislation taken for women’s advancement and weaknesses that are delaying progress and sustaining disparities. The report covers six components: 1. Jordan’s reservations on CEDAW;; 2. Harmonization of CEDAW into legislation;; 3. Political representation;; 4. Violent against women;; 5. Equal rights in the family;; 6. Conditions of vulnerable and marginalized women. It also provides an overall assessment of the six components covering 3 areas: assessment of the official efforts towards the implementation of CEDAW;; also;; assessment of the civil society efforts and strategies towards monitoring Jordan’s commitment to obligations;; and suggested recommendations for the new concluding observations.