توضح ورقة الموقف أنه من الضروري على الحكومة ومختلف أجهزة الدولة الأردنية، الأخذ بعين الاعتبار التحديات التي تواجه عمال الأردن وسوق العمل، عند رمسها وتنفيذها للسياسات المختلفة وخاصة السياسات الاقتصادية
تناقش هذه المقالة الاحتجاجات والإضرابات التي وقعت في الأردن منذ انتفاضات عام 211 في العالم العربي، إذ شهدت البلاد نشاطاً عمالياً غير مسبوق، فانخرط العمال من كل القطاعات باستثناء القوات الأمنية في شكل
مؤشر الفجوة بين الجنسين العالمي والذي أسسه المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي (دافوس) يخدم كإطار مخصص لادراك حجم التفاوت القائم بين الجنسين في العالم وامكانية متابعة تقدمهم. ابتداءً من سنة 26، يمثل تقرير عام
This publication aims to summarize and assess the results of the United States Energy Association (USEA)’s Jordan Energy Partnership Project (JUPP);; funded by the USAID. The JUPP is part of the USEA/USAID Energy Utility Partnership Program (EUPP);; which assists developing countries with increasing environmentally sustainable energy production and use and improving the operational efficiency and increased financial viability of their utilities and related institutions. The JUPP focuses on improving the technical and operational efficiency of Jordan’s electric utilities and electric grid. Defining energy insecurity as one of the most significant problems in Jordan;; the report summarizes the program’s activities and assesses their results and impacts. It looks at multiple aspects including the utility participant training and female participation. The results of the publication are increasing system efficiency;; developing customer energy efficiency programs;; increasing corporate efficiency;; supporting capacity building;; reducing electricity losses and power outages;; improving transmission dispatch center operations;; enhancing worker productivity through safety and interconnecting renewable energy and distributed generation. The report concludes with key lessons learned from the projects.
This research study aims to investigate child labor in Irbid to provide a deep understanding of and knowledge about the socio-economic and cultural context of working children in Irbid. It also aims to propose intervention programs that maximize the effectiveness of the Family and Childhood Protection Society (FCPS);; an NGO in Irbid that works on issues related to children. Various study results have shown that children often work in dangerous and hazardous conditions where they are exposed to physical and psychological abuse;; in addition to exploitation in terms of minimal pay and long working hours. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to conduct the research presented in this report. In-depth interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data from all organizations working on child-related issues and from working children and their family members.
The final report is a product of the USAID/ Jordan's 55-month Operations and Maintenance Training (OMT) Program that enhances workers and organizational performance in water infrastructure. The report includes the OMT Program's executive summary;; key accomplishments and lessons learned and recommended actions;; and it also identifies some the contexts;; challenges;; methodology and results and impacts of improving the operator standards and performance. According to the report;; the OMT exceeded its expectations and achieved all results in regards to the number of certified operators;; managers;; trainers;; developers;; and coaches graduated;; certified programs;; courses and tests developed;; training sessions conducted;; and legal measures and institutional actions enacted. The report identifies hat the dedicated and hands-on support of OMT's primary partners was a key factor in achieving the OMT target results. The program also expects the structure of the Jordan program will be responsive to changing needs and the progressive development of training capacity within the Jordanian water sector. Following the OMT's completion;; the players in the Jordanian program will continue to build their capacities and move to the next state in their institutional arrangement.
The migrant worker in Jordan situation report was issued in 2009. It presents an overview of the situation of migrant workers in Jordan and the main violations they are subject to. Additionally;; the report offers recommendations to national and international parties concerned with the migrant workers' rights.