This position paper states that it is important that the various organs of the Jordanian state take these challenges into account when designing and implementing policies concerning the labor market
This article discusses the labor protests and strikes that have occurred since the 211 uprisings in the Arab world. The scale of labor action has been unprecedented,with workers from every sector,with
The Global Gender Gap Index was first introduced by the World Economic Forum in 26 as a framework for capturing the magnitude of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress. This year is the
This publication aims to summarize and assess the results of the United States Energy Association (USEA)’s Jordan Energy Partnership Project (JUPP),funded by the USAID. The JUPP is part of the USEA
This research study aims to investigate child labor (labour) in Irbid to provide a deep understanding of and knowledge about the socio-economic and cultural context of working children in Irbid. It
The final report is a product of the USAID/ Jordan's 55-month Operations and Maintenance Training (OMT) Program that enhances workers and organizational performance in water infrastructure. The report
The migrant worker in Jordan situation report was issued in 29. It presents an overview of the situation of migrant workers in Jordan and the main violations they are subject to. Additionally,the