The Rights and Duties of Foreign Women Married to Jordanians Under Jordanian Legislation 2013

This manual was developed by Mizan and the JNCW in response to the reality that foreign women married to Jordanians and living in Jordan are extremely vulnerable and often face problems within the family (namely cases of domestic violence and divorce). The aim of this manual is to raise public and organizations’ awareness of the laws and regulations surrounding this issue in order to be able to effectively contribute to protecting foreign women and prevent the exploitation and the violation of their rights. Both Mizan and JNCW believe that many of the documented cases of exploitation and abuse they have received could have been avoided if there had been proper public awareness about the relevant laws and the rights protected thereunder,or if there had been counseling programs,brochures or addresses of organizations providing legal consultation given to Jordanian embassies abroad or to embassies of other countries in Jordan. To address this urgent need,Mizan and JNCW sought to create this manual comprehensively enumerating the legal rights of foreign women married to Jordanians.