A group of young with care experience came together on a webinar on June 6, 2020. The webinar saw participation from over 100 care leavers from about 25 countries to explore and discuss the challenges
This article addresses teh issue of women in 'protective custody'. Where most of the women in protective custody were involved in cases of rape, adultery and incest, and, fearing for their lives, left
This presentation sheds the light on the main findings of " Gender Discrimination in Jordan" research whcih aims to explore the prevalence and root causes of gender discrimination and patriarchy in
The objective of this study is to explore the prevalence and root causes of gender discrimination and patriarchy in Jordan. It examines the extent to which patriarchy is embedded in national
This article discusses economic violence against women and some indicators of economic violence against women in Jordan according to the Jordan Women's Solidarity Institute Association (Tadamun - SIGI
This report presents both the enabling factors and obstacles in the election of more women to parliament and municipal councils. The report reviews Jordan’s current legal framework,including adherence
The discussion paper provides a synthesis of the public governance challenges raised by the various stakeholders interviewed during the fact-finding process. Based on a descriptive analysis,it offers
وجه هذا التقرير إلى لجنة سيداو من أجل توفير أحد المعلومات وأكثرها دقة,بالإضافة إلى دراسة وتحليل السياسات الإيجابية والتشريعات المتخذة في سبيل تقدم ونهوض المرأة وإيجاد مواطن الضعف التي تعمل على تأخير