This position paper was prepared on the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labor,219. It starts with the most prominent statistical indicators on child labor in Jordan,the position of Jordanian
The National Council for Family Affairs issues this report on the situation of the Jordanian family in order to complete the study of the priorities of the Jordanian family issues and to monitor their
Attainment of core principles of equality between the sexes in the Arab world is currently impeded by many factors. These factors are: discrimination and marginalisation, turmoil in the region
This report consists of three main sections. The introductory chapter,“Contextualizing Women’s Rights and Health Expenditure,” describes the political context in the region,the status of feminist
This paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 21 report. Using a social exclusion concept framework,this paper
يهدف هذا الدليل الى تعميق الثقافة السياسية والمعرفة السياسية بين اوساط المجتمع الاردني وتشجيع الشباب على المشاركة الديمقراطية، وتعريف الشباب بالمؤسسات السياسية والديمقراطية كالاحزاب السياسية والبرلمان
يهدف هذا المسح والذي نفذ لأول مرة في الأردن إلى التعرف على أوضاع قطاع العمل غير المنظم في مناطق أمانة عمان الكبرى,والتعرف على المشاركة الاقتصادية للمراة من خلال الوقوف على أهم الأسباب التي تدفعها
The State of World Population Report 213,issued by the United Nations Fund for Population,highlights the main challenges related to adolescent pregnancy and its grave consequences on girls' education