Building on the body of Equality Now’s work for the protection of girls’ and women’s rights,this report illustrates the impact of child marriage through 11 case studies and includes an analysis of the
This report comes as a continuation of the efforts that have started with the first and second knowledge reports and a pursuit of identifying the capabilities and mechanisms that enable the Arab
The tourism sector assessment report examines critical questions related to Jordan's best opportunity areas for tourism development growth that will result in increasing tourism receipts,private
The purpose of this report is to contribute accurate data on the status of the girl child in Jordan and to analyze the manner by which cultural ideology practiced by the community influences the
يتضمن هذا التقرير تحليلاً موسعاً ومتكاملاً لمؤشرات الفقر بالاستناد الى بيانات مسح نفقات ودخل الأسرة لعام 28,الذي نفذته دائرة الاحصاءات العامة على أربع جولات ميدانية استمرت سنة,والذي انتهى العمل به مع