To understand the impact of the crisis on Jordanian consumers,DNA conducted a survey of 1 3 consumers in Jordan and presented key insights within this report. Throughout the report,DNA aimed at
To understand the impact of the crisis on Jordanian consumers,DNA conducted a survey of 1 3 consumers in Jordan and presented key insights within this report. Throughout the report,DNA aimed at
Labor and Social Development Committee approved in its discussion on the draft temporary labor law for the year 2010 yesterday, to grant a two-day paternity leave for the worker, which is considered
This article, published in 2011, reports on 24 Sri Lankan former domestic workers, many of whom were allegedly abused by their employers, that were stranded in Amman from January to April 2011, unable
This case study was written as part of the first phase of a cross-practice and cross-thematic global UNDP initiative on Gender Equality in Public Administration (GEPA),launched in 211. This report
The new social insurance law introduced by the Jordanian government in 21 was created in part to improve the likelihood of women’s employment through non- and gender specific changes. This study,which
The aim of this study was to outline expected supply and demand on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) services in Information and Telecommunications Technologies (ICT) jobs,over
تعتبر هذه الدراسة مبادرة للإسهام في توفير قاعدة معرفية أكثر علمية للنظم والممارسات السائدة في القطاع العام بشأن عمليات دمج النوع الاجتماعي وآلياتها,إضافة إلى أناه تسعى إلى القضاء على كافة أشكال
«Gender Analysis in the Private Sector» study for Nuqul Group,is part of a project that contributes to the provision of information base that is more scientific regarding systems and practices