As the debate about whether the internet is safe for children rages,The State of the World’s Children 217: Children in a Digital World discusses how digital access can be a game changer for children
The UNESCO 213 Annual Report discusses the decisive shift for UNESCO,when the organization set a new strategic course at the 37th session of the General Conference,with a sharper focus as a key agency
The UNICEF Annual Report 213 outlines UNICEF’s efforts to reach the children around the world who have gone unreached. It also outlines UNICEF’s efforts to drive change for the most vulnerable
The UNICEF Syria Crisis is a series of bi-weekly report that provides a summary of the humanitarian situation in Syria and development of the organization’s projects in the regions including Syria
With an executive summary on the Syrian refugees situation in Jordan,the report combines the conclusions of detailed assessments in various areas including as child protection and gender-based
The report assesses the practical challenges of education and schooling for the Syrian children in refugee camps in Jordan,Lebanon and Egypt as the Syrian Crisis prolongs. It argues that ensuring the
The report explores the level of knowledge,attitudes held and practices observed by young people towards environmental issues related to water and energy conservation and sold waste management. It
The report aims to learn about young people's knowledge,attitudes,and behaviors with regards to water conservation,energy conservation,and waste management,and it assess these against the learning