In this paper,we analyze the structure of employment and job creation in Jordan over the period from 21 to 216. This period coincided with a notable downturn in the economy,which substantially reduced
In this paper,we analyze the structure of employment and job creation in Jordan over the period from 21 to 216. This period coincided with a notable downturn in the economy,which substantially reduced
More than six in 10 children globally lack access to social protection, leaving them particularly vulnerable to falling into chronic poverty, the UN said, warning also that some governments are
This English to Arabic dictionary is a comprehensive attempt to translate all terms often used in social work from English into their Arabic counterparts. This ebook seeks to address the growing
Journey to Equality commemorates the 1th anniversary of the adoption of the landmark treaty,the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa,in Maputo,Mozambique. The book is a joint initiative of the
"The Equal Access Monitor is a quarterly publication,formerly called The Age and Disability Monitor. It deals with the most vulnerable Syrian refugees: specifically people with disabilities, people
This regional situation analysis,which is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC),explores the violation of child rights in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The
لقد تم إعداد هذا التقرير الخامس حول أوضاع مراكز الإصلاح والتأهيل من اجل تقييم هذه المراكز والنزلاء واماكن التوقيف والموقوفين,وكما يكشف التقرير عن مواطن الضعف والخلل التي تعاني منها هذه المرافق. وتم
يتضمن هذا التقرير تحليلاً موسعاً ومتكاملاً لمؤشرات الفقر بالاستناد إلى بيانات نفقات ودخل الأسرة لعام 21 والذي بلغ حجم عينته 13866 أسرة ممثلة لكافة مناطق المملكة,الذي نفذته دائرة الاحصاءات العامة على