Journey to Equality: 10 Years of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa

Journey to Equality commemorates the 1th anniversary of the adoption of the landmark treaty,the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa,in Maputo,Mozambique. The book is a joint initiative of the Solidarity for African Women's Rights Coalition (SOAWR),of which Equality Now serves as Secretariat,The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights,and Make Every Woman Count. This volume is an attempt to assess the progress made in the promotion and protection of women's rights on the continent since the adoption of the Protocal while considering the challenges and opportunities for African women. This volume aims to provide further impetus to Member States to universally ratify and implement the Protocal. It also aims to serve as a useful resource for women's rights activists,gender practitioners,and for all who hope for better lives for Africa's women and girls.