This issue of Policy in Focus presents a collection of 15 articles from leading scholars,researchers and policy practitioners,shedding light on the key challenges of promoting social protection
The UNICEF Annual Report 213 outlines UNICEF’s efforts to reach the children around the world who have gone unreached. It also outlines UNICEF’s efforts to drive change for the most vulnerable
This paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 21 report. Using a social exclusion concept framework,this paper
This booklet presents evidence based research on healthy birth spacing and puts forth reccomendations on what can be done in Jordan in terms of polices,education and health services in order to
This report summarizes the findings of the 212 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey (JPFHS),and its part of the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys Programs,which designed to collect data
As a report to the situation analysis of children and women in Jordan,it aims to identify problems,vulnerabilities and positive developments of the country’s obligations to the Convention on the
This report provides an overview of the status of early childhood care and education (ECCE) in Jordan,Lebanon,Sudan,and Syria. It examines the contextual factors influencing ECCE,highlighting current
يتمثل الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المسح في توفير بيانات شاملة وتقديرات موثوقة للمؤشرات الديموغرافية مثل الإنجاب والوفاة وتنظيم الأسرة,وصحة وتغذية الأم والطفل بوصفها أداة لتقييم البرامج والسياسات السكانية