Gender equality is not a women's issue; it concerns men and boys as well as women and girls. Garnering sufficient support for the profound social changes required by the gender equality agenda cannot
Journey to Equality commemorates the 1th anniversary of the adoption of the landmark treaty,the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa,in Maputo,Mozambique. The book is a joint initiative of the
This report consists of three main sections. The introductory chapter,“Contextualizing Women’s Rights and Health Expenditure,” describes the political context in the region,the status of feminist
This report serves as one component of Save the Children's Manara Project,which aims to contribute to the effective,MENA-wide development and implemenation of policies,stragegies,and legislation in
The UNICEF Annual Report 213 outlines UNICEF’s efforts to reach the children around the world who have gone unreached. It also outlines UNICEF’s efforts to drive change for the most vulnerable
"This report was designed to provide information on levels and trends of fertility,fertility preferences,infant and child mortality,and family planning. The survey also gathered information on
In 29,the United Nations Member States decided to make further and decisive progress,within a decade,in controlling illicit drug supply and demand. Many illicit drug markets have reached global
The World Drug Report presents comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and trends on production,trafficking and consumption in the opium/heroin,coca