This report provides an overview of Syrian refugee employment trends within Jordan and seeks to answer key questions related to the size and configuration of the Syrian labour force,the degree to
This study explores the attitudes of Syrian refugees and Jordanians in four key Jordanian governatorates: Amman,Irbid,Zarqa,and Mafraq. Preliminary studies indicated that the interested areas have
Using data from the Jordanian Labor Market Panel Survey 21 (JLMPS),this paper aims at investigating the differences in labor force participation among men and women. Not only is female labor force
"This report was designed to provide information on levels and trends of fertility,fertility preferences,infant and child mortality,and family planning. The survey also gathered information on
This case study was written as part of the first phase of a cross-practice and cross-thematic global UNDP initiative on Gender Equality in Public Administration (GEPA),launched in 211. This report
This booklet presents evidence based research on healthy birth spacing and puts forth reccomendations on what can be done in Jordan in terms of polices,education and health services in order to
The State of World Population Report 213,issued by the United Nations Fund for Population,highlights the main challenges related to adolescent pregnancy and its grave consequences on girls' education
As a report to the situation analysis of children and women in Jordan,it aims to identify problems,vulnerabilities and positive developments of the country’s obligations to the Convention on the