This Toolkit on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Crisis and Recovery Settings provides guidance on how to enable the leadership of women and girls while making sure that their specific needs
UNDP has been supporting world-wide Governmental responses to the COVID-19. The health dimension of the pandemic underpinned declarations of state of emergency in numerous countries, which generally
This summary provides a comparison of the laws identified in Jordan country profile with international human rights standards, the recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Violence
UNDP,in partnership with UN Women,UNFPA,and ESCWA,has conducted a study on Gender Justice and the Law to provide a comprehensive assessment of laws and policies affecting gender equality and
This study on Gender Justice & the Law in the Arab States Region,conducted by UNDP,UN Women,UNFPA,and ESCWA,provides a comprehensive assessment of laws and policies affecting gender equality and
Kingdom obtains best results in its performance on SDG No. 1: No poverty Jordan has ranked 80th worldwide and 5th in the Arab world in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Index and Dashboards
This is the 213-214 annual report from the United Nations Development Program,which supports progress that is sustainable,inclusive,and resilient to setbacks in all five regions of the developing
This paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 21 report. Using a social exclusion concept framework,this paper