In 216,Musawah began preparing tables for legislative frameworks,case law,policies,procedures and practices on 12 issues related to family laws. Legislative amendments have demonstrated,in a number of
This summary provides a comparison of the laws identified in Jordan country profile with international human rights standards, the recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Violence
UNDP,in partnership with UN Women,UNFPA,and ESCWA,has conducted a study on Gender Justice and the Law to provide a comprehensive assessment of laws and policies affecting gender equality and
This study on Gender Justice & the Law in the Arab States Region,conducted by UNDP,UN Women,UNFPA,and ESCWA,provides a comprehensive assessment of laws and policies affecting gender equality and
The report talks about the Jordanian widow and the legal problems she faces in caring for her children when their custody is transferred to their grandfather for their father.
This report is a chapter in Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress Amid Resistance,published by Freedom House. It provides a history of the women's rights movement in Jordan and
This research project aims to explore the intersections of law,citizenship,gender-based discrimination and social reform movements as played out in the case of Egypt’s 24 nationality law reform. It is
تبحث هذه الورقة في ﻋﺪّﺓ مواضيع ومنها أحكام حق المرأة في الملكية والميراث في الإسلام,و الإطار القانوني لحق المرأة في الملكية والميراث في الأردن,وضمانات هذه الحقوق,إضافة إلى عكس واقع حق المراة في