This infographic summarizes the main findings of the "Jordan's Social Security Reforms and Women's Employment in the Private Sector" study which aimed to generate an in-depth understanding of the
Men working in Jordan’s private sector earn on average 41 per cent more than women. In the public sector, men earn about 28 per cent more. According to official figures, the pay gap in manufacturing
This summary provides a comparison of the laws identified in Jordan country profile with international human rights standards, the recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Violence
UNDP,in partnership with UN Women,UNFPA,and ESCWA,has conducted a study on Gender Justice and the Law to provide a comprehensive assessment of laws and policies affecting gender equality and
This infographic was published by UN Women in 2014 as a component to The Beijing Platform for Action Turns 20 campaign. It offers information and figures to illustrate women's roles in economies
This report is a chapter in Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress Amid Resistance,published by Freedom House. It provides a history of the women's rights movement in Jordan and
Complementing the World Development Report 212: Gender Equality and Development (WDR 212),this report,Opening Doors: Gender Equality in the Middle East and North Africa,focuses on the challenges and
This compilation of papers,written by the regional experts of the 212 Rabat Conference on Advancing Women's Political Participation in Transitions,examines the status of women in decision-making