Building on the body of Equality Now’s work for the protection of girls’ and women’s rights,this report illustrates the impact of child marriage through 11 case studies and includes an analysis of the
Building on the body of Equality Now’s work for the protection of girls’ and women’s rights,this report illustrates the impact of child marriage through 11 case studies and includes an analysis of the
This is the fourth edition report of Equality Now’s ongoing global advocacy campaign to hold governments accountable to the pledge made at the historic UN 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing,1995)
This article, published in 2015, tells the story of female journalist Rula Amin who was arrested in Amman because of an appeal of an "expedient custody" court decision granted to her. Rula Amin is a
The Amnesty International Report 214/215 documents the state of the world’s human rights during 214. Some key events from 213 are also reported. This report includes a foreword,five regional overviews
This manual was developed by Mizan and the JNCW in response to the reality that foreign women married to Jordanians and living in Jordan are extremely vulnerable and often face problems within the
This report is a chapter in Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress Amid Resistance,published by Freedom House. It provides a history of the women's rights movement in Jordan and
This report comes as a continuation of the efforts that have started with the first and second knowledge reports and a pursuit of identifying the capabilities and mechanisms that enable the Arab
This compilation of papers,written by the regional experts of the 212 Rabat Conference on Advancing Women's Political Participation in Transitions,examines the status of women in decision-making